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10 reports about 800-318-0166

Received a phone call from 800-318-0166? Report here
jwtusjp 3rd Aug, 2011+0
recieved a call and did not know who it was from and called back the phone number was not connected
snowman 1st Aug, 2011+0
Call was about my vehicle warranty. It seems they look at expired car repair warranty from other companies and try to sell you a new coverage on the spot. Seems like the call originated from Tennessee, but no other information available. The phone operator would not disclose the name of the company or any other vital information, but is pushy and wants you to commit $250 down payment during the call. At last, they are rude and very pushy. Be aware, this could be a scam. Always ask Company name, contact info, name of operator, and any other info you think you need to know. Is not rude, is your right!!! They want money, you need to be well informed!
Mu 31st Jul, 2011+0
They call all the time
joe y 18th Jul, 2011+0
This person claims to be a investigator tracking down a wire transfer fraud claim against me. They had all the pertinent info but I am still wary. Soon I will see if it has all been a scam I'm expecting info in the mail by saturday...wish me luck.
jack lieb 16th Jul, 2011+0
called and told me I was one of ten people to win a GE Security System. Lady spoke very poor english. When I ask how she got my cell phone number she hung up.
Snips 16th Jul, 2011+0
I received a text from this number.
Rock 16th Jul, 2011+0
calls two to three times a day - leaves no message
menique 11th Jul, 2011+0
Caller did not leave a message.
Marion Woolley 8th Jul, 2011+0
I have been receiving calls from this number for quite awhile now. I receive at least 10 a day, even on Sundays.
tre 5th Jul, 2011+0
I continued to be harrassed 10 x's a day at all times from 8am to 10pm. They say nothing, just hang up. I contacted Verizon to have the number blocked.

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